Dina and the flock of lambs

When Dina turned eleven, she had three lambs to raise. They grew up, and became a little flock of sheep living on the farm. They had lambs every year. They were different to other sheep, because they were raised by a human and a dog.
Dina and the flock of lambs is a stand-alone sequel to the e-book Dina and Friends.


One day an eagle came and sat down at the shore by the farm. The eagle had caught a rabbit and wanted to eat it. The sheep saw the eagle. They immediately decided to chase the eagle away. They had watched Dina chasing other animals out of her territory when they grew up. The flock of sheep gather together, stamping their front feet, raising their necks and move towards the eagle. The eagle did not believe what it saw! When they got close enough, the eagle made a very clear threat with his body language. Pernille watched the situation from her patio. At this point she sent Dina away to help the flock. Dina came around, and the eagle had to leave. But it was annoyed, and came back a couple of times, screaming and diving after Dina. Sheep, escpessially lambs are usually prey to these eagles.





Another day the alsatian Atlas came to visit, and wanted to chase the sheep flock. Again they act different to other sheep. Atlas took off from quite a distance many times, trying to be as scary as he could, but the sheep flock stood their ground. When he tried to get close, they used their heads to butt him, and tried to run him down. At last he gave in, and went home with his tail hung low and a little bit ashamed. Atlas stopped and looked back at the sheep several times as he went away, he seemed not to believe what he had experienced.




Dina and friends

First book about Dina. From when she was born, Dina got to know several other species, wild and tame. Dina was more than average interested in other animals.On her own she befriended a one year old moose calf.



Dina lives with her owner Pernille and the other animals on a small farm by the sea in Norway. There has been many different animals visiting the farm. Some stayed for the rest of their life. The story of Dina is authentic. Dina is a Swedish Lapphound, more than average skilled to understand and talk to other animals. All on her own she befriended a wild moose. Their relationship lasted for many years. Many funny and interesting episodes occurred, and both Dina and Pernille learned about the moose body language.




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